
Lirik “The Girl That I Used To Be” dari Raisa untuk para perempuan

Jakarta (LiveNews) –

Lagu “The Girl That I Used To Be” dinyanyikan oleh Raisa, lagu romantisasi yang dipersembahkan bagi seluruh perempuan yang sudah tumbuh dan berjuang menjadi dewasa.

Raisa berharap lagu ini dapat menginspirasi para perempuan untuk tetap bertahan dan selalu bahagia dengan semua ujiankehidupan. Untuk mengapresiasi para perempuan, Raisa meliris lagu itu tepat pada hari Perempuan Internasional 8 Maret 2024.


Lirik lagu “The Girl That I Used To”


I miss how sharp I used to be

When all I can think about is me

When I trust my guts completely


And always know where to find my keys

I miss how careless I could be

Not a single soul depends on me

Didn’t think it’d be a luxury

To stay in bed and sleep ‘til three

I can’t quite explain it

It’s not that I hate it

I just wish that I had the time to say goodbye

To the girl that I used to be


My silly insecurities

Just cause I don’t fit in my old jeans

My body bears the pain in all its beauty

Yeah, I can always count on me

I’m the default

Down to a fault

I’m always the go-to

“Ask her she’ll know what to do”

I can’t quite explain it

It’s not that I hate it

I just wish that I had the time to say goodbye

It happened oh so quickly

I became a Mom so naturally

But no one told me I would have to say goodbye

To the girl that I used to be

Pewarta: Putri Atika Chairulia
Editor: Natisha Andarningtyas
Copyright © LiveNews 2024

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